This storyboard was created to plan the scene order, and content, of the video.
This project's objective was to transform some existing content (in this case, a recipe) into a motion graphic video. I chose to do a recipe that I had used in a previous illustration project, put a little twist on it, and bring that to life. I decided to emphasize the celebrity component of this recipe and add a well-known character to my video and keep the other components easily recognizable through colour and shape association. To complete this project, I created a storyboard/script of every scene for the video to keep it under 5 minutes and to manage my time for completion. I used my skills in illustration, typography, and animation to tell this story in an order that made sense to the audience, had good legibility & hierarchy, and was playful. Furthermore, through this project, I show my understanding of basic animation principles such as anticipation, staging, follow-through and overlapping action.
This storyboard was created to plan the scene order, and content, of the video.