Below you will find the process work and final design for a poster project. The objectives for this project include creating a poster for a world day event that includes the sponsors, type foundry, the event date, a quote, and an explanation of the event. For this project, I applied my understanding of the principles of design including hierarchy, balance, white space, repetition, emphasis, proportion, and contrast. I chose these contrasting colours to assist with emphasis, and balance, and because they complement the theme of the event. I was given a specific typeface to use however, the placement and hierarchy were implemented based on a grid I had designed for the poster's layout. I also chose to create an illustration to help draw an audience towards the poster, as it was for a specific cause, I felt this addition would benefit the purpose and the audience. Additionally, the illustration provides a direction for the audience to follow. As they look at the plane, their focus is directed upward toward the information. This same technique was applied to the top of the poster through the descending month name (Dec), and the oversized number seven. As they follow the dark descender of the 7, their attention is directed towards the information below.